To kick off DIY FRIDAY, I have a super fun tutorial and giveaway for you! Last month, during the Nordstrom Sale, I ran across this amazing leather Halogen dress, and instantly wanted it. It was a little too short for me, and a little too expensive, so instead I teamed up with Leather Hide Store and made my own, and today I'll show you how!
I had some serious doubts about this dress up until the very last seam, and sewing through this thick leather was not very easy, but I feel so proud of this dress and learned a ton while making it. I'm so excited to share it with you!

dress made by me (tutorial below) -- fabric c/o leather hide store
similar bag -- splurge or save
shoemint heels, c/o
Find the full tutorial after the jump, and don't forget to enter the giveaway at the very bottom!