Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy Friday! The last few weeks have been crazy over here, mostly with the end of summer, and mostly with the start of school, but in huge part because there are some big changes I've been working on that are coming to Merrick's Art, one of which is DIY FRIDAY, which will now be a permanent thing! So if you're looking for my tutorials, make sure you stop by every Friday, because I'll have something new for you to make every single week!

To kick off DIY FRIDAY, I have a super fun tutorial and giveaway for you! Last month, during the Nordstrom Sale, I ran across this amazing leather Halogen dress, and instantly wanted it. It was a little too short for me, and a little too expensive, so instead I teamed up with Leather Hide Store and made my own, and today I'll show you how!

I had some serious doubts about this dress up until the very last seam, and sewing through this thick leather was not very easy, but I feel so proud of this dress and learned a ton while making it. I'm so excited to share it with you!

dress made by me (tutorial below) -- fabric c/o leather hide store 
similar bag -- splurge or save
shoemint heels, c/o


Find the full tutorial after the jump, and don't forget to enter the giveaway at the very bottom!